, pub-7771400403364887, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 "We were just having fun ..." 2PAC's Ex -Girlfriend denies of being intoxicated in a sex tape with the late Tupac Shakur

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"We were just having fun ..." 2PAC's Ex -Girlfriend denies of being intoxicated in a sex tape with the late Tupac Shakur

Love gives a gig

Going back to the year 1993 in New York City ,the police were looking for 2Pac ,they got to his room in the Meridian Hotel ,and this is where they got sex videoape of the late Legend having sex with Desiree Smirth his girlfriend whom is claimed to be underage and intoxcated .From the discoveries; the police were trying to build their own story against  Pac for the alleged sodomy of Ayanna Jackson .
From the discoveries made by HiP Hop news ,here we get Desiree Smith narrating the whole story what happened during that time ,and she insisted saying that she was not underage or intoxicated
"We were just having fun .We were drinking ,but i was not intoxicated like i did not know my surrounding .We had some weed ,we drunk and had fun .He had a camcorder he had just got and w did what some people do .I usually do not do that ,but i did it with him and i did not expect  for it to go the way it went .it was his lawyer that was the one that was the one that came and met me and told the cops and the press that he had interviewed the person .And they took that tape when they came to arrest him for the sexual assault .They saw that tape ." Smith said ."What's hilarious is ," she continued ,"we were not that fucked up .it is weed .It was a drink or two or three.And you know ,what ended up happening with that is they put that  out .He called me and told me his lawyer would be contacting me and that he he was going to come have lunch with me and we would discuss.He needed to interview me to see what direction he was going to need to take .I am not going to say my age ,but i am sure i do not look how old i really am .When i was young ,i looked younger than i was ,but i was not underage
Desiree went further and explained more about the cops ,the law enforcers were skeeming on 2 Pac's allegations so that they can detain him in prison ."They were looking for any little thing to charge this man with and they tired it with and blew it out of proportion .I remember being on the train with some friends and seeing this paper right before Thanksgiving and knowing -I knew from the moment that I saw it that it had to be me.That tape was months old and he just kept taking it with him everywhere he went .Luck would have it ,they would snatch that .I do not know what happened to the tape ."

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