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Must watch :A video of a woman who killed and ate her child in kitengela

Love gives a gig

Kenyans and the world took notice of the gruesome video of a woman allegedly eating her daughter's body that sparked competition all over social media. The woman, whose identity is Olivia Naseren, shot and cut her two-year-old daughter Glory Njeri more than 100 times and began feeding her body, including her kidneys and intestines, police told the newspaper.

Also now in the hands of the police, the woman said that her husband left her for another woman in Kitengela. Olivia, 27, said she never wanted her daughter from her ex to see her father with another woman.

A terrible scene is unfolding and the neighbors are watching in amazement from their windows. Initially, Olivia started by destroying things in the house. He locked himself in his house as the neighbors watched in amazement as he smashed everything in the house.

The police, who were called to the scene upon a fire report, raided Olivia Naseren's house after cutting the lock. She was taken to the hospital and forced to vomit from the body she allegedly ate.

The police report partially states, "The two-year-old boy was dismembered by his mother, who later fed him with his intestines. The victim was found unconscious at the scene and was taken to the Kitengala District Hospital." .

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